I finally got around to mulching the raspberries last week. The straw makes for easier weeding, better moisture retention and really just a cleaner looking raspberry patch. I also transplanted like 35 earlyglo strawberries into the patch and got another row prepared for fall transplanting of yellow raspberries. After all of that nonsense, including rerouting a number of rogue pumpkin plants that had started strangling raspberries, I put a fence around the whole thing and put in a semi-permanent sprinkler to help keep things happy during the hot days.
I also harvested an armload of peppers, mostly "Yummy Bell" and "Purple Bell"... The orange yummy bells are the sweetest I've ever tasted. Like candy more than veggie. I promptly found a source for their seeds and ordered 30 seeds for next year- woohoo! They're super hard to find.
I've got roughly 45 baby asparagus plants started in this wooden flat, now. I'm still not sure where they'll go when they're bigger, but I can't wait for the three years it'll take them to mature!
My final snap shot is another black krim tomato. I can't get over the complex flavor, texture and color of this tomato! Hands down my favorite heirloom variety. Mmm. I ate this one with a sprinkle of Celtic sea salt. Delicious!
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