I decided to do something a little different for father's day this year, and like so many of my past great ideas, it involved the confusion, humiliation and irritation of my family.
I started out by having everyone stand in the kitchen with quart size zip bags to which I added:
1 c half and half
1Tbsp sugar
1/4 tsp vanilla
3-4 strawberries (home grown of course)
After sealing the zip bags, I had everyone squish their strawberries around like crazy, and then use a second quart bag to double up. Finally they were given a bag of 8-10 c ice and 3 Tbsp rock salt, told to place their quart bags inside and seal, and thus the shaking began.
I get the impression I may've been the only one excited to shake my bag for fifteen minutes straight...
Anyway, after all of that we emptied our original quart bags into my favorite dainty little china tea cups and I had everybody eat their icecream with antique jelly and sugar spoons. :)
It seemed like a huge success and everybody seemed to really enjoy it.
Happy Father's Day, Dad!
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