In the mean time, I've been reading up on the "Austrian Scythe" which is a lighter more efficient alternative to an "American Scythe"... I've got to find some way to mow the sheep field before they come home and I think I've found it! The grass out there is nearly as tall as my head and it's going to have pretty much zip nutritional value if I don't cut it soon. I'm really hoping to find a funky local garden shop (maybe downtown home and garden Ann Arbor?) that has these locally. The shipping is killer!
Here's a quick video on mowing with a scythe... This guy's web site is great, too.
This Photo really made me happy. I found it on a blog called "The Shambles under Highland Butte" username "Skepweaver"... Unfortunately I have to run for now so I don't have more time to explore this blog, but check it out at!
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