Friday, April 8, 2011

Mother Daughter Craft Swap Catch Up

I've been kind of bad about posting the regular craft swap posts, but my February craft was a total disaster. It wasn't plagued by big messes and loud fits of destruction, but by quiet, almost silent frustrations and the curse of having to redo steps over and over and over. I will be giving my mother her February craft when she comes to visit next week... half way through April. Ah well. It's still relevant and it's finally finished in a way I am happy with.

In the mean time, in March I made my mother several batches of granola for our craft swap. She'll be coming to visit next week and when she does, I'm hoping we'll be able to make more granola and experiment with new recipes. I keep hearing about pumpkin granola... it sounds so good!
It was a great experience for me, and for my first time making granola it was pretty danged good. I have to wonder though if it's possible to make granola less sweet with the same clumping characteristics that I like. My recipes took a lot of maple syrup and/or honey to keep the bits stuck together and so they were pretty sweet.

 If you would like more information on the recipe I used and modified, visit my post over a Not Dabbling in Normal from March's Real Food Challenge.


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