Then the sun poked her head out and everything changed. In a whirlwind of madness I grabbed the sewing machine and quickly threw together some curtains for the living room window, something I'd been meaning to do for days. They're simple white flannel- something to let the light in but to keep what remains of the draft out (after an inside and outside layer of plastic haphazardly taped up).
Of course, making curtains wasn't enough. I tromped into the kitchen to find something to do and spotted a small bag of brussel sprouts calling out to me.
My final project for the day came to me just as the sun was going down. For days now I've been putting off warping my loom because, due to my lack of a warping board, it usually entails stringing up warp all over the house to get it measured out and prepped for sleying. In an random "I can do that!" moment I dashed into town for some dowel rod (stopping for groceries as well) and came home to make myself a not-so-scientific warping board. It's for my own use so it doesn't have to be all that accurate in measuring warp length as long as I know the measurements to some degree. I used 5/8ths dowel and drilled holes in a frame of four pieces of furring strips (3'x4')... When I finished, I wound my warp in less than 10 minutes and by standing in the same place! Winding on a warping board is a wonderful and meditative experience.
I almost wish I had more to wind, just to continue in the gentle swaying and humming to myself while standing next to the wood fire...
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