Right, folks. This movie is fantastic! It quickly climbed onto my top five list. Whether it'll hold up to multiple viewings, I still don't know, but ... Jeff Bridges is a truly amazing actor, and Matt Daemon has shown he's more than just a lunk (with a little help from the Coen Bros writing!) I was so blown away by this film. I know it's a remake, but from what I hear it's much closer to the original novel than the original film. Pretty much everybody but the die-hard John Wayne fans is going to enjoy this, though.
Anyway, back to the Christmas day talk. My first Christmas gift of the day was that my husband, known for his eccentric handlebar mustache, actually trimmed his beard and mustache short! I know this sounds like it might not be a big deal, but he has a really great smile and his mustache really hid that smile (and made for some under-par smooching!) I've been informed he'll be growing it back in time for the convention season (If you're not aware, my husband is a comic book creator) which I totally expected anyway. It's the thought that counts :)
I mentioned before that I was hesitant to post information about the handmade Christmas gifts I've been working on. I still haven't gotten together with my family, so I'm restricted
I haven't needle felted since college so it was fun to try again. I think I enjoyed it enough to make it
Anyway, we had a wonderful Christmas (except Connor, who apparently shouldn't be left alone with a rawhide bone... ew) and I hope you did too!
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